Many facials and related procedures, such as chemical peels, address only one skin problem. Hydrafacials, on the other hand, are a multistep procedure that tackles several issues during a single session, leaving you with an enhanced glow that might not be possible with more traditional facials. A typical hydrafacial consists of the following steps:
Cleansing and peeling to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and resurface the skin.
Extracting debris from pores via a suction technique, followed by hydrating with a special moisturizing cream.
Fusing or sealing the final result with antioxidants and peptides to protect and nourish.

A hydrafacial provides more dramatic results than what is possible through traditional facials. You’ll feel pampered and special during your hydrafacial, and will revel in the brilliant, youthful complexion that is your finished result.

You may be a good candidate for a hydrafacial if you have not achieved good results from other facials or have more serious skin issues you would like to address.