Heredity can play a major role in how and where you accumulate and store fatty deposits. If you are naturally predisposed to carry fat cells in your face, this can be especially hard to remove through diet and exercise. Fat around the cheeks, neck and jowls can make you look heavy and bloated, even if you have a thin body figure. Your face can hold deposits of fat cells that are highly resistant to change. Whether you have fat deposits in your face due to heredity, are looking for more definition, or are slightly overweight, you may want to consider facial liposuction to create a leaner and more defined facial appearance.

At English Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center, facial liposuction surgery is typically carried out under local anesthesia and is performed at our accredited surgical facility. Dr. English may opt to use general anesthesia if you decide to combine this procedure with other surgeries. Every effort is made to reduce the length of scars and to make them as inconspicuous as possible.
Liposuction of the neck is performed through a small incision placed just beneath the chin and can be done by itself or in conjunction with tightening of the neck muscles. The results are predicated on the anatomy of the neck, the projection of the chin and the elasticity of the skin below the jaw line. If it is performed by itself and if the skin is youthful with a normal amount of fat in the area, the results can be very dramatic. If the skin is not taut and/or the chin profile is weak, then the procedure’s results can be enhanced with a lower facelift to tighten the neck skin or augmentation of the chin with an implant to strengthen the profile

Facial liposuction will remove fatty deposits that stubbornly resist changes in diet and exercise.
Reduction or removal of excess fat in the face or neck will contribute to an overall appearance of a slimmer countenance and definition in the facial features.
Facial liposuction will help turn back the clock and make you look more youthful and rejuvenated.

During the initial facial liposuction consultation, Dr. English will analyze your face, discuss your sun exposure and current medications, and discusses your objectives. He will also review your medical history and lifestyle choices while conducting a physical exam to determine your skin quality, elasticity, and thickness for optimal results. You may be a candidate for facial liposuction surgery if you:
desire a slimmer face or neck;
are in good physical and mental health, with good elasticity of the skin;
are a non-smoker or committed to refraining from smoking;
have realistic expectations of the outcome of your facial liposuction; and
understand the recovery process.

Dr. English’s neck liposuction patients report minimal discomfort and downtime since the length of the surgery is less than 20 to 30 minutes and is performed in our office surgical suite with sedation commensurate with the patient’s request. A wrap is placed around the head and neck area for 18 hours or so and then removed in our office the next day. The two or three sutures placed at the entrance site where the suction cannula was inserted for the neck liposuction procedure will be removed at day six to prevent suture tracking.
Swelling and bruising will usually subside within seven to ten days, and most people return to work or normal activities within one week after facial liposuction. Although your results will be noticeable early on, your final results will not be forthcoming for at least three months. To facilitate the best results, we may offer ultrasound treatments to the neck area for a few days to help with the soreness and to induce skin contractility, which is paramount to your final results.