A person’s chin profile is determined by a multiplicity of parameters, including their gender, their height, the shape of their face, the projection of their nose, their hair pattern. If a person has a weak profile because of their chin, it will interfere with the harmony of their facial features. A chin augmentation can restore balance to your facial profile and strengthen the appearance of a receding chin.

At Dr. English’s practice in Little Rock, chin augmentation is performed under a local or a general anesthetic via an intraoral incisional approach or an external incision below the prominence of the chin, approximately one or two centimeters. The implants that Dr. English uses are of a high-grade Silastic® polymer that are tissue soft and have been used successfully over the past two decades with excellent results. The implants are computer generated and are anatomically correct in their shape and size. Depending on your needs determined by examination and photo-documentation, Dr. English will recommend a particular size and shape for placement. Whether performed by itself or in conjunction with other procedures, such as a facelift, nasal surgery or liposuction of the neck, a properly positioned chin can create an aesthetically pleasing result that compliments the entire face.

Chin implants can be subtly used to even out asymmetrical sides of the face for a more balanced, overall pleasing look.
Adding that extra aesthetically-pleasing definition to your chin can help make a striking first impression that will communicate confidence.

During the initial chin implant consultation, Dr. English will analyze your face and discusses your objectives. He will also review your medical history and lifestyle choices while conducting a physical exam to determine your skin quality, elasticity, and thickness for optimal results. You may be a candidate for chin augmentation surgery if you:
desire a more chiseled, defined or symmetrical chin and jawline;
are in good physical and mental health, with good elasticity of the skin;
are a non-smoker or committed to refraining from smoking;
have realistic expectations of the outcome of your chin augmentation; and
understand the recovery process.

A dressing is placed on the operative site and the small incision with its attendant sutures are kept clean and moist for the first week. Changes are noticeable almost immediately, however the final result will be covered by the initial stages of swelling and bruising. Swelling can be minimal to moderate but most of it is usually gone within three to six weeks. The final results should be apparent in three to four months and may depend on additional procedures performed.
Discomfort and tightness are also minimal to moderate for the first few days but rapidly decreases afterwards. Some patients complain of a numb feeling in the area of implantation that may take a few days to several weeks to improve and is usually predicated on the size of the implant that was placed.