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Anti-aging treatments refer to any procedure or skin care regimen that is designed to shave years off of your look. Here at English Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center, we know that you age in your own unique way, and may not achieve the results you desire from a “cookie cutter” program. We design each anti-aging treatment to meet your needs, working within your stated goals to help you achieve the look you desire.


Aside from looking younger, anti-aging treatments these days have multiple other benefits. For example, many procedures can now be performed right here in our Little Rock office without any anesthesia or downtime whatsoever. And advances in medical technology have produced new surgical techniques so that those who do want a more invasive procedure can experience greater results with fewer side effects than before. 


Yes, Dr. English has an anti-aging treatment available for every concern, and will be glad to help you find the procedure or skin care regimen that is right for you.

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